We’re Curious… Does Your Company Know What Its Assets Are Made Of?  

Understanding "material composition" is a fundamental part of asset management in 2023. Diving deep into supply chains is an important factor in determining the useful life of an asset and when or how it needs to be disposed of.

Material composition identifies your assets' raw materials, their combinations, and how much you have of each material. The ability to consider eventual redistribution and circulation of these assets is only possible when you know what you have. 

So we have a few questions:

  • Are you asking your vendors for this information when purchasing? 

  • Are your vendors asking their manufacturers for this information? 

  • When disposing of equipment, are you recouping the cost of the precious metals?

  • Do you know how much you have and its residual value at its end of life? 

Usually, by the time assets land in a company's office or warehouse, little is known beyond high-level categories such as 'wood', 'laminate', 'metal', or 'plastic'. These broad categories can each be broken down into dozens of specific materials, all with their own unique carbon footprint and disposal method.

Our platform is in the beginning stages of uncovering answers to these questions to help large organizations procure and dispose of their assets in the most sustainable ways possible.


What is Circular Economy?


QR Codes: Always Know Where Your Assets Are Located