What is Circular Economy?

In a circular economy, resources aren't wasted. Instead, they're kept in use for as long as possible. A cradle-to-gate approach is taken by reusing materials so they don't need to be remade. It is an alternative to the traditional linear economy where products are purchased, used and thrown away, never to be used again.

A circular economy is a regenerative economic system that retains resources and waste, critical for preserving limited natural resources and reducing pollution from processing. The more linear we continue to stay with creating and discarding items, the more our environment becomes polluted with garbage.

Why stay circular?

The more we produce, purchase and consume, the more we pollute. Research shows that a circular economy can create positive impacts throughout various areas of life making it crucial in long-term sustainability.

On top of the environmental benefits, a circular economy aids consumers in choosing higher quality and safer products as well as offering new employment opportunities is business as more sustainable practices are added.


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