QR Codes: Always Know Where Your Assets Are Located

QR Codes are an easy way to save time on asset management.

Most people think of QR codes as a way to link to a web page, but that’s not what they were initially designed for.

QR codes were originally developed for point-of-sale applications, where they would help businesses track inventory and reduce the risk of missing items. This is exactly what Hyon's customers are using them for.

How Do QR Codes Work?

QR codes (Quick Response codes) are barcodes that contain data. Think of them like a book code or a stock ticker. The data can be anything from a URL to a phone number, and it can be stored or displayed on any kind of media, such as a PDF document, image, or video.

QR codes can also be printed, making it easy to turn these codes into labels that will help with asset management.

Why QR Codes Are Important To Us

QR codes have grown in popularity as mobile technology has advanced, allowing users to scan codes for quick access to a variety of information.

Hyon has created a scanner in our mobile app that allows users to easily view asset information while ensuring that only those allowed to access your company's information can see

Are They Better Than Traditional Barcodes?

QR codes are much smaller than barcodes and can be printed on anything from stickers to paper to cardboard. They are also much easier to scan.

Barcodes, on the other hand, require a special scanning device, and the codes cannot be encrypted.

How To Use QR Codes To Track Assets

Hyon's customers label their assets as they are procured and then link the QR code label to a database entry that contains information about that asset. This allows users to:

  • know if something is out of place with a quick scan

  • easily scan an asset and update its condition as soon as it changes

  • update asset location (building, floor, room) when moving assets between areas of your business

At Hyon, we imagine a world where everything has a QR code. If only people knew what was available, we could redistribute just about anything!



We’re Curious… Does Your Company Know What Its Assets Are Made Of?  


How HYON is Helping Businesses Practice Responsible Consumption and Production